世界读书日 | 为什么说三峡工程是长江防洪关键工程?
发布时间:2022-04-22      来源:三峡集团     作者:       分享到:



  Hello TGP(The Three Gorges Project)


    《The Three Gorges Project Q&A》与《图解大国重器三峡工程》



  What makes TGP a crucial project to flood control?

      From three aspects, we can see TGP is crucial to the integrated flood control system of the Yangtze River: Firstly, its position is crucial; secondly, in the aspect of controlling flood sources, it may shift peaks on crucial moments; thirdly, in the aspect of controlling disastrous floods, it may cut off peaks on crucial moments.

  In the aspect of the position of TGP: Located at the entrance of the Xiling Gorge, TGP controls the throat of the Yangtze River where the upstream flood enters the plains in the middle and lower reaches and can effectively control and regulate the floods from the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. TGP is situated in a crucial position and is irreplaceable.

      The Three Gorges Project is aimed primarily at flood control.



  长江中下游的洪水,部分来自洞庭湖水系和鄱阳湖水系,但主要来源还是长江上游。在 1954 年、1991 年、1995 年、1996 年和 1998 年这几个大洪水年,长江宜昌站的 60 天洪量,分别占荆江(枝城站)洪量的95%,螺山站洪量的60%~76%,汉口站洪量的58%~ 68%。长江三峡地处长江上游末端,在长江干流上的地理位置堪称独一无二。兴建于长江西陵峡中段三斗坪的三峡大坝,可对上游洪水进行有效拦蓄与控制,对长江中下游的防洪安全起着至关重要的作用。


